We all find ourselves in a very strange time in history. There have been many disease disasters since the time of Jesus Christ, but the current one is a new, awkward, and potentially dangerous experience for us all. Our trust and faith in God is very important for each of us during these troubling times. The attacks on Christianity worldwide appear to increase daily.
Our Philippine brothers and sisters are experiencing similar but amplified situations. The Philippine president has tried many approaches to slow the spread of the virus, but lacks the funds and resources to help his citizens that are without work or income and/or provide a reasonable level of health care. Food is a scarcity may places at this time. The Philippines imports a good part of the rice they consume from Asia. A few of the brothers that live in the country, do have gardens and those living in the mountains can plant rice/corn, weather permitting.
The government has used the military to enforce lockdown orders and ban much of the public transportation and the independent drivers that drive/own the most common of mode (the jeepneys). The government claims the vehicles are the ideal incubator for the virus. Some areas are seeing an easing of the government restrictions, while other areas are not. A recent report shows a 16% shrinking of their economy…..therefore, making jobs hard to find for our members.
Many of the agricultural workers, shop owners, and vendors are out of work or greatly restricted in their movement and work. The Philippine government declared last week on national news that they are out of emergency and food money to help the people.
Schools were going to be closed for the remainder of the year, and their educators were asked to hold classes on line. In many rural and remote areas, this is not going to happen since power and internet service is off and on, and computers are not items that many Philippines folks have. We received several request from the members for computers and internet service, but, Ed and myself do not understand this is a good use of the Lord’s funds even if we had the funds. Presently, many of the rural parts of the country have delayed school until June of 2021. Some of the larger cities/towns will proceed with online teaching in the upper grades.
In the months of March through July, we have sent more than $9,000 for food and seed to various islands. Our food/emergency funds are exhausted. With the rainy season now upon the members there, our medical request to treat malaria, dengue, virus infection, and many other medical emergencies have been over $3300 the last 5 months.
August 14, 2020 Appeal— Brothers, we again are making an URGENT APPEAL for our brothers and their families in the Philippines. Please, help us in this effort to provide food and emergency needs if you are able. I realize that many of us are having to cut our spending with the restrictions we may be experiencing in the U.S., but if you or your congregation are able to donate, please make you check out to the Church of Christ and sent it to:
Duane Cogburn
86C Martin Lane
Moriarty, NM 87035
God can use perilous times for His purpose. Many of the evangelists in the Philippine rural areas are able to gather the members and neighbors for assemblies and home bible studies. We have reports of a total of 30 baptisms since May.
Again, we wish to thank each and every one that have contributed to the work in the Philippines.
Below is a breakdown of the areas where funds were sent these last four months. Currently we are working with more than 45 congregations on seven islands.
In March, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $3459; Evangelism expenses $200; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $100; Medical expenses $708; Food & Planting Seed $3,470; Storm damage & charity $165.
In April, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $1.886; Food $3,720; Food & Planting Seed $3,720; Storm damage and Charity $50; Funerals $204.
In May, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,025; Evangelist expense $352; Medical expenses $994; Food & Planting Seed $560; Storm damage & charity 100; and Funeral $200.
In June, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,811; Evangelism expenses $100; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $408; Medical expenses $726; Food & Planting Seed $400; Storm damage & charity $706.
In July, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $1,890; Evangelism expenses $100; Medical expenses $928; Food & Planting Seed $1008; Storm damage & charity $1,481; and Funeral $152.
Respectfully submitted,
Duane Cogburn and Ed Anderson
I have attached a list of other requests that we haven’t been able to help since we consider the food needs and medical requests priorities. If you would like to have your donation used for a particular request, please let us know
Below are excerpts from some of the many emails we receive from our brothers in the Philippines. Some have been edited for brevity and so that their English can be better understood. E
Steven Curimao at Lawak, Luzon
Mon, Mar 30 at 5:32 PM
Dear Brethren,
Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord, we trust the Lord that you are all well.
We are still in a enhance community quarantine due to covid19, my family and I are stock here in Pangasinan because of the situation, yet we are all fine.
Lawak Church of Christ, the brethren here is asking for help, they can’t go out to go to their work because of the quarantine to avoid the virus, the relief from our government is nothing yet, we have used our resources for the past days yet we still have more days in a quarantine, any kind of assistance is deeply appreciated brethren.
We are praying for everyone’s safety, we pray that this crisis be over soon.
I attached some pictures while we worship under the tree…
God bless you all.
Brother Steven
Below is some of the Lawak, Luzon congregation meeting outside,
Baptism at Lawak by Bro. Steven, May 11, 2020
Chris and Premie Amihay at Colinog, Panay
To:edandva@hotmail.com cogduane48@yahoo.com
Sat, May 9 at 11:56 PM
Dear Brother Edward and Duane
Thank you brother Edward for sending another encouragement Thankful you are all doing well .I and my family are doing well too..Thanks for the prayer.We also pray for you safety..
The Enhance Community Quarantine was again extended to May 30 due to many OFWs came home and there were positive of covid 19 in the city of Iloilo.
But despite of COVID -19,we have our assembly in our house .Our brethren in Badlan also having family assembly in their house . And also the Chiva”s family. We have total lockdown in Calinog every Sunday. The town officials are disinfecting the whole town every Sunday. This is good idea to prevent the spread of virus. The whole province are doing this every Sunday. So all people are not allowed to go out.
If the lockdown will be extended again, this is not a good sign. Many people will suffer long time hunger..This is a problem now
The distribution of relief goods is very slow due to corruption…Many food packs being distributed…but only few barangays are doing the good job. Mostly none ,very slow.
Very sad to know …
We want to share this news our brother Edgar Libuna from Bliss site was confined at Calinog District Hospital last Wednesday. He suffered from hard breathing and his half body could not move. We believed his half body was paralyzed and we don’t know yet his body condition. Only one person allowed to visit the patient .Michael was there yesterday and inform us his situation .
He is in need of cash assistance for his hospital need and medicine.We are hoping our brethren there in the US can assist our brother for his hospital needs …His wife is having a problem od his husband..
Let us join in praying that this virus will gone away..
This is an invisible enemy….We need to stay home always to be safe .
We are glad to know that our brethren in Bacolod continue serving out Lord in their house .We have talk brother Joel Castillo last night and thankful they are safe and doing well.
We don’t have communications from our brethren at Don Salvador, maybe they don’t have cellphone.I was trying many times to contact their phone number but it was failed .Hoping they are all doing well.
I have to close now. May our Lord will bless and guide us and keep us all safe from virus.
In His service,
Chris and Premie
jominan paulo April 22, 2020
To: Ed Anderson, Duane Cogburn
Dear Brother Ed & Duane,
I always pray to God that you are in good and all the brethren in the US. I hope this pandemic that affect globally is end soon and I ask to always protect us.
My family and the brethren here in lubao greets you, We are all fine although some brethren they are not working but thank God that God truly good because they have people that gave their talent to share their blessing like you. Yesterday, I buy some can goods and rice for the brethren in lubao because the lockdown they extend until May 15 according to the Government.
My plan going to Isabela Lord willing is on June 25 -30 if possible to make this trip if the Lockdown are down by the President of the Philippine. I am sorry that the fare gave you is already used for buying foods, Milk, diaper and other necessities. Our bill in electricity is unpaid from march to april a total of 2, 652 php.
In behalf of sis. Emma Angangan and Bro. Fred Angangan I appeal to ask help for their needs because i heard that no one give help for them until the lockdown implement. Please, brother any amount from you is big help for their family. Also my family in Isabela they asking also for assistant. thank you so much if my request is put into your list.
Godbless, Jominan
April 24, 2020
Good day brothers,
Galatians 6:10
[10]As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Another day of giving for the brethren. Vegetables , meat and fruits . We are able to share the blessings you gave us brother.
Thank you for your love and care to us. God bless. Bro. Genesis
Bro. Genesis distributing food.
Godie policarpio; June 16, 2020
Brother Duane and brother Ed,
God’s blessing of good health be with you as you read this message of mine. Bro. Daniel, bro. Emmanuel, Jennmark and me, Visited the Brethren in Longos Cabangan, I am happy to inform you that they are all fine. I am so happy to inform you that Emmanuel is already recovered from covid19, he is in a quarantine for almost a month, thank you for all your prayers.
You are asking me about the overhaul cost of the van that we are using, the auto mechanics told me that it will cost around 60thousand pesos ($1,200 USD), that will include all, cost of labour and spare parts, it is too expensive. The mechanics told me that if it undergo overhauling it will became almost good as new. Thank you for asking and for the great concern to the needs of the Evangelist and of the church, the van is really big help to us. To transport the brethren to go to church. Thanks a lot brethren. Keep safe always.
Mario Moral
To:Duane Cogburn
Fri, Jul 3 at 7:18 PM
Hello brother Duane,
I already got the money that you sent. Thank you so much. We will spend it to buy their weekly needs.
Yesterday we have another 7 souls accepted the Lord in baptisms. Praying for their growth.
Seven to be Baptized today.
Subic Bay, Luzon
Godie policarpio
Ed Anderson Duane Cogburn
Thu, Apr 30 at 1:26 AM
Ever Dearest bro. Ed and Duane,
How are you? I hope that all is well with you. I am so sad that America have already 1million cases of Covid 19 and around 50 thousand plus deaths according to the news, on which I am always watching, as Social Studies teacher I need to be updated about the current Situation of the world.
I wrote you to let you know about what is happening here, I am really sad to say to you that Emmanuel Dumasig is already infected of Covid 19, the swab test result shows that he is positive, you know what? Bro. Emman is one of the Frontliners, he is serving the people of Subic, checking all the people that come and go to the market, that’s why he is very prone to the virus, last day he is in the hospital at Iba Zambales, but through his request he moved to Subic. Please pray also for his wife and chuldren. Even though we are ashamed to ask, I wrote you in his behalf because I knew that he really need financial help, any amount you should give is highly Appreciated. He needs it for his medication. Send it to his own bank account. I attached picture of the swab test result.
Brother Ed and Duane, I also wrote, for you to know that Central LuZon is still in the enhance community quarantine, that includes the whole province of Zambales, we already gave the brethren the relief goods Four Times because our brethren from other places also help. Many brethren also come into our house to ask help, I can’t resist not to help because during that time I have money, but right now I have only money to buy foods for 3 days, we have no salary yet, for this reason I am personally asking for your help. I and my wife is not qualified to receive help that comes from our government. Thank you in advance, I do believe that this pandemic will end soon, let us continue to pray together.
May the Lord God bless you and keep you,
Love and prayers,
Godofredo Lucero Policarpio.
Premie Amihay
To: Ed Anderson Duane Cogburn
Mon, Jun 29 at 7:30 AM
Dear brothers in Christ,
Brother Edward thank you for another encouragement lesson It so sad to hear that our sister here in Calinog Janel Lavella was confined in the hospital due to Ectopic pregnancy.She is two months pregnant on their second child, their eldest daughter is 5 years old. She undergone ceasarean and was to remove the baby outside her womb.We have given assitance but need more for her daily maintenace .Her husband is a casual worker in Calinog ,but stopped to work for 3 months due to home quarantine.She needs to complete her medicines daily.
Another sister Kris Guillepa a sister in- Law of brother Erol also deliver her first baby and was operated .. The baby was in the ICU for one week.. They are also asking a little assistance for their medicines ….They find hard due to pandemic problem.
In this connection we are presenting this request asking for your kind donation for this two sisters.Maybe 200 dollars if you can share to these two sisters .
Please include them in your prayers..
Thanks and God bless you all.
In His service,
Chris and Premie
Steven Curimao in Lawak, Luzon
Tue, Jul 28 at 10:34 AM
Dear Brethren,
Greetings in the Lord to all of you.
Lawak Church of Christ is able now to gather in the church building, we are now in modified community quarantine, the authority allowed us to gather as long we observe the safety protocol they provide, we can also go out for evangelism yet we practice social distancing, the brethren are continually growing in faith.
Traveling to another province or city is now allowed but you need to provide necessary documents and a travel authorization.
Lord willing I will be going to Tarlac congregation this coming Sunday, I’m hoping that the authority there will allow us to gather.
I attached some photos for you to look; at, my son and nephew are continuing to serve the Lord’s church.
God’s grace be with you all.
Congregation at Lawak….. with social distancing, When Ed and I made our first trip to the Philippines in 2014, only the blocks walls on this building existed. The brothers/sisters have done a great job in finishing the building. Most of the funds came from the U.S. to complete it. Ed and Duane
Mario Moral <moralmario@yahoo.com>
Duane Cogburn
Ed Anderson
Fri, Jul 31 at 2:56 PM
Hello brotherDuane
We are so very thankful and so blest having a car because can also blest other. Most of the time we used our car as an Ambulance to brought church members be patient in Hospital for free travel.Last day we brought 3 patients in pain at Olongapo City Hospital. Since it it locked down we requested a travel pass to police station. And without a car we can have difficulty to brought patients in hospital. buses and jeepneys are very seldom to travel and it needs medical certificate before you ride.
Patricia Gatao, one of our young people has galstone and she is really in pain
Romeo Abarre is suspected to have a kidney stone problem. His face is getting bigger or swelling.he is now under observation and has medicines for one week.
Marjorie Moral cant breath after she walk early in the morning.she was brought to Emergency Room with Romeo and Patricia. but Marjorie is now okey.except the two.
We spent some amount for benevolence for them in hospital from the money I have fir the family.but the remaining cash on my hand, We bought groceries s last budget for them this week of July because we bought grocery items for them every week
Mario distributing food and diapers to widower. His wife pasted away 2 months ago giving birth to their 6th child.
He and his two oldest children (not in the picture) have been baptized recently.
Mario and his wife, Lorie, distributing food. Mario teaches shaped note singing, and beating time every Tuesday night and post it on facebook. He and several of the other evangelist have home and private studies 3 to 5 times a week.
Mario taking a few minutes for prayer before making an Ambulance run to Subic (about 45 miles away). See text above.
His garden is in the background which helps the local brothers to eat and make a living selling produce.