Philippine Report July 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023
I apologize for the delay in getting this Philippine report out. It has been 8 months since my last one. I had a notable accident in October and a few other health challenges which I am just now getting over. We had hoped to go to the Philippines in January/February, but the Islands/provinces still have some virus travel restrictions in place.
We would like to continue our thanks to all the congregations and individuals that generously donated to the needs in the Philippines.
Daily life has many challenges regardless where we live….. in the U.S., Mexico, Belize, Philippines, or Africa. Our brothers in the Philippines have had several new storms and typhoons and heavy winds last summer and fall/winter. Some of the worse were on the long skinny island of Palawan closest to China. Several of the church buildings were damaged and the songbooks and bibles were placed on the highest spot in the building (usually the speakers podium) to minimize the lost of them.
As you can read in the monthly distribution of funds, food, church buildings repairs, more bibles and benches, building repairs, and medical are some of our biggest expense items.
The economy in the Philippines is slowly recovering, but inflation is a big problem there, especially for food. In the rural areas a fair number of members are still out of work. The rainy season continues to destroy many of the member’s crops there and also limits the number of agriculture jobs. Included in the food donations break-out below, are seed, seedlings, and fertilizer for replanting.
This is a request that just came in. It reflects the struggle many of our brothers and sisters face everyday there.
From Bro. Chris & Sis. Premie Amihay
To: Ed Anderson,
Mon, Mar 6 at 8:01 PM
Dear brothers:Edward and Duane,
Hope all of you are doing well. We are all well.
We are sad to know that one of our sister Rosa Lozada in Calinog their house was Totally burned last Saturday. The house were made of light materials and was all eaten by the Fire .
There are three of them living in the house her son in-Law and her daughter.
They work in a Sugarcane plantation early morning of Saturday and forgot to put off the fire on the stove. Since the house was made of light materials (probably bamboo and thatch) No single thing left. Their 5 bags of rice was all burned (up) and her 5,000 Php ($93 U.S.) savings was burned too.
The family was so devastated. We have given used clothes ,kitchen utensils and other needs like foods .
Sister Rosa is a widow for almost 10 years .In behalf of the family of Sister Rosa Lozada ,We are asking to the brethren there in the USA for a cash assistance to help sister Rosa construct a small house and other needs .
If the brethren could donate 400 dollars, maybe this can help them for their needs. We will be very glad to hear your respond to this request.
Thank you and may our Lord’s blessings be upon you all
In Christ, Chris and Premie (on the Island of Panay) Edward and I sent funds to help)
Covid and travel restrictions limits where the members can travel. They had their elections and the son of one of the previous Presidents won. Since the elections, some of the Philippians fear an increase threat for their safety from surrounding countries and the new President has begun talking to the U.S. for help. Please pray for the safety of God’s members of His Kingdom in the Philippines
To all who have contributed to one of our special personal ministries, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Sister Lorie Moral needed to continue her functional cancer treatments. Her recent tests showed a significant improvement. The lung tumor is notably reduced in size. Let’s all remember her in our prayers. We have extended our help to her with the designated contributions for her treatment.
As I mentioned the past Ed and I have denied the financial requests for the members diagnosed with cancer and other serious illnesses because of the costs involved. I fear because of the heavy use of cancer-causing pesticides, poor diets, and gmo seed, we will continue to receive many medical requests. The diagnostic tests, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments are expensive and have had limited positive outcomes in the Philippines. Please pray that God will give us wisdom on how to answer these requests.
Below is a breakdown of the areas and purposes where funds were sent these last eight months. Currently we are working with more than 45+ congregations on seven islands. Just a footnote: the amount of support to the evangelists varies from month to month depending if the funds are sent quarterly, or monthly, and the time of the month they are sent.
In July 2022, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $4,716.98; Evangelists expense $690.47; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $880.56; Medical expenses $1350; Food & Planting Seed $633.30; Charity $8303.38; Funerals $304.
In August, 2022, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,579.99; Evangelists expense $187.26; ; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $1,710.06; Medical Expense $1,212; Food & Planting Seed $594.46; Charity $1,091.98; Funerals 404.
In September, 2022 the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $1,610.97; Evangelist expense $103.99; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $200; Medical expenses $163.40; Food $1,512; Charity $928.54; Funerals $254; Storm damage & charity $928.54.
In October 2022, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $3,561.80; Evangelist expense $378; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $2.004; Medical expenses $1,028; Food & Planting Seed $1,212; Charity & Storm damage $5,157; Funerals $204.
In November 2022, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $3,671 ; Evangelist expense $1.504: Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $3,978.88; Medical expenses $2,308.05; Food & Planting Seed $1,056; Charity and Storm Damage $1,313.
In December, 2022 the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $3,424.41; Evangelist expense $1,913.29; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $5,734.87; Medical expenses $1,335.88; Food $400; Charity $665.
In January, 2023 the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2459.99; Evangelist expense $468.52; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $704; Medical expenses $910.89; Food and seed for replanting after Typhoon $3,568.98; Charity $603.99; Funerals $304.49.
In February, 2023 the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $3,861.27; Evangelist expense $872; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $250; Medical expenses $1,756.61; Food $3,150.60; Charity/Storm damage $565.02
Ed and I ask for your prayers for wisdom to weigh each request we receive & use God’s funds wisely.
Respectfully submitted,
Duane Cogburn and Ed Anderson
My contact information is: My email is The donations should be made out to the church of Christ and mailed to me at: Duane Cogburn, 86C Martin Lane, Moriarty, NM 87035.
I have attached a list of other requests that we haven’t been able to help since we consider the Bibles, songbooks, church building repairs, food needs, clean water and medical requests priorities. If you would like to have your donation used for a particular request, please let us know
Below are excerpts from some of the many emails we receive from our brothers in the Philippines. Some have been edited for brevity and so that their English can be better understood.
The congregation at Kalaklan and Gordon Heights are good and growing both numerically and qualitatively. There are many activities bible studies, home visits to our brethren, and door knocking (house to house).
I have many more photos that I want to show, I’m sorry because the number of photos that can be put in the email is limited.
My wife Ahl is in good health. She always came with me to bible studies in fact she is the one who takes the pictures that I send to you.
Thank you very much brothers Ed and Duane for your goodness, may God bless you.
You are always in my prayer.
Your brother in Him,
Rexson Gonzales
From: rexson gonzales
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 6:09 PM
To: <>
Blessed day brothers Ed and Duane,
Sorry for my late response, Thank you for the support that I recieve. Praise God we have 5 souls who accept Christ this month of July 2022.
1. Gilmar (15 yrs old)
2. Alison Alba (15 yrs old)
3. Janelle Alba (14 yrs old)
4. Kristine Martorillas (13 yrs old)
5. Dane Cruz (15 yrs old)
Rexson evangelism work is primary in the Olongapo and Subic Bay area of Luzon ….. Duane
Daniel Elamparo Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 6:14 PM
Dear brothers Ed and Duane,
I want to share pictures report today.
- One more soul was added to our Lord’s congregation in Longos, her name is Jamaica 16 years and in Jr. high. Please include her in your prayers as we grow together in faith.
Home study in Longos, Luzon
Dear brother, how are you all today? I am praying you are all good. We have Typhoon here in the Philippines that cause flood in many areas but nothing can stop the ministries that we are doing. Report from Bro. Daniel close to Longos
Home studies in the rural areas
Jominan paulo
To: Ed Anderson,Duane Cogburn
Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 5:00 PM
Bro Ed & Duane
The brothers and sisters here at Mangcuram Church of Christ and my whole family wish you a blessed day to all of you and we pray that God’s grace will pour more and more in your life.
We would like to convey our gratitude for your support that was given and made our meeting fruitful which was attended by 77 people. Here are the pictures we want to show and share with you below my letter.
May the Lord bless all the work for the development and growth of the work in his Church. Jominan
Daniel Elamparo
To: Ed Anderson, Duane Cogburn Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 5:52 AM
Brother Ed and brother Duane, hello there,I would like to make a follow up on my appeal last April about our unfinished ceiling project. It’s been 7 months now and our materials started to have rust. We will still wait brothers, thank you so much in advance.
I wrote because we are in need of help regarding the unfinished ceiling of Longos chapel.
We need to buy an additional c-purlins in order to attach the spandrel, we also need some paint at the back of the chapel. we will be needing $300
for the materials and labor.
We pray that you could include the said budget in your wish list. thank you so much in advance brothers. May God bless us all.
A Note from Duane. This is a relatively new congregation about 1 1/2 hour drive north of Subic Bay. One of the families donated the land, and the brothers from multiple congregations contributed the funds and labor to build this build over the last three years. We have used some of the U.S. funds to help them in the last phases to finish the structure. As you can see, they are almost finished and have been meeting there for a year of more.
Daniel Elamparo To:Ed Anderson, Duane Cogburn Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 12:15 AM
These photos were taken during our youth fellowship at Kalaklan, 25 youth from Cabalan,GF and Payangan participated in the said fellowship. It was a fruitful exposition by the a speaker about the history of evolution which many youth did not know. It is also about defending their faith in which they can share to others that we are not from ape but we are created in the image of God. 180 plus youth attended from 20 congregations. We praise Him in singing,everyone are edified and God was glorified. The youth and children are the next generation of the Lord’s church.praise God.
Bro Mario Moral, Feb 10, 2023
3 Baptisms in western Zambales, Luzon
Needs List Updated: 2/28/2023
Req. Date Contact/location Reason for Request US $ 5/15/21 Jominan, Isabella vehicle for Ilegan work. $ 4,000 Luzon 2/5/22 Palawan Request for ceiling in church before hot weather $ 1,000 12/3/21 Jominan, Ilagan Projector for power point sermons $ 560 4/15/22 Emmanuel Projector for power point sermons $ 600 Total of unfunded Requests to date $ 7,160