First, we would like to express our thanks to the many that have contributed to the work and needs in the Philippines, as the requests for help continues. Food is still a primary need in 2020, since many are still not working, but the medical needs are not far behind. The islands were hit with 3 typhoons this fall, therefore, resulting in requests for building repairs. Flooding and high winds have also been a problem since it damages the ground crops as well as the banana, mango, and coconut trees.
As I mentioned in my last report, this is a strange and different time in our history, whether in the U.S. or in the Philippines. Some parts of the Philippines are still under strict restrictions, and some are not permitted to leave their homes. Other parts have relaxed the rules, but employment is limited. Many of the evangelists are having church assembly in homes and traveling to meet up with the members. Since many folks are home due to the employment slow down, the home studies and gatherings have produce over 100 baptisms among the islands in 2020.
Schools, for the most part, remain closed to in-person classes. Some of the high education institutions are open. However, the recent threat of unrest in the South China sea (as reported from Reuters news service) have affected the residents on the western part of the islands. Let’s all pray the safety of the members and their families during this time of various trials.
In the months of August, 2020 through January, 2021, we have sent more than $5,300 for food and seed. With the rainy season now upon the members there, our medical requests to treat malaria, dengue, virus infection, and many other medical emergencies have been over $7100 the last 6 months. We appreciate your continued donations and support. At this time, it appears our visit to verify the use of funds sent to the Philippines and encourage the members there, will need to be delayed until 2022.
Below is a breakdown of the areas where funds were sent these last four months. Currently we are working with more than 45 congregations on seven islands.
In August, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,140; Evangelism expenses $675; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $150 Medical expenses $928; Food & Planting Seed $354; Storm damage & charity $165.
In September, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,208; Bldg. repair/rent/benches, bibles $502; Medical Expense $524; Food & Planting Seed $708; Storm damage and Charity $831; Funerals $204.
In October, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,132; Evangelist expense $1,567; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $1,449; Medical expenses $768; Storm damage & charity $1,661.
In November, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $2,036; Evangelism expenses $204; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $204; Medical expenses $2,198; Food & Planting Seed $3,716; Storm damage & charity $908.
In December, 2020, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $3,091; Medical expenses $928; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $1,093; Medical Expenses $1,062; Food & Planting Seed $404; Storm damage & charity $104; and Funeral $308.
In January, 2021, the following distribution of funds was made: Evangelists’ support $1,778; Building repair/rent, benches, bibles $1,210; Medical expenses $1,704; Food & Planting Seed $200; Storm damage & charity $102.
Ed and I ask for your prayers for wisdom to weigh each request we receive & use God’s funds wisely.
Respectfully submitted,
Duane Cogburn and Ed Anderson
I have attached a list of other requests that we haven’t been able to help since we consider the food needs and medical requests priorities. If you would like to have your donation used for a particular request, please let us know
Below are excerpts from some of the many emails we receive from our brothers in the Philippines. Some have been edited for brevity and so that their English can be better understood. E
From: rexson gonzales <
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 7:42 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Monthly support
Hello brother Ed and Duane,
How are you?

Thank you for the money you have sent to me I already receive it.
Regarding to our evangelism we still have a bible study and visiting every house of our brethren who did not attend to Worship Assembly because of Pandemic.
Bro. Rexson is meeting with members in their homes during the time of travel restrictions
Regarding to my schooling, This August 24,2020 my school department announced the opening of classes not face to face. Our brethren here at kalaklan are all doing well and safe thank you so much for your prayer and also we include you and your family to our prayer.
God bless and keep safe! Rexson,
From: Brennie Agbisit
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2020 11:08 PM
To: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Hope you are all fine
Dear Bro. Ed and Duane,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I’m praying that you are all still safe and healthy all the time. You are all in our prayers and thoughts as we are seeing on news that US positive cases of Corona Virus raising up everyday by thousands
The brethren are sending love and prayers too.
We are still in quarantine, so many restrictions. we have no choice but to follow or else will be charged. This maybe our situation not until there will be vaccine.
I was able to joined the house ot house studies in the mountain…and we are glad that we have 6 baptism… we will continue to go on our scheduled studies…some are still hard to believe our stands….but our brethren are so good and ready to answer their questions…sometimes, I have some thoughts too but as woman..I have no rights to answer their questions…so I just keep quite and just support our brethren.
E have one catholic devotee, that studying with us…he said, that if you just accept Christ, you will be save by His grace…just like what happened on the cross… when the 2 thieves asked Him… to bring them in Paradise…and that on the spot… give freely forgiveness and saved just by their faith….so what’s is the need of be baptized and be included in one church? then, for those are sick…in their sick bed if they accept Christ as their savior and ask forgiveness, he believe ..the sick will be saved because on his last breath he accepted Christ. So many question, but I believe they were answered by our brethren…so we still continue studying with this man and his family…hopefully, he will open his mind and heart and finally believe on what we stand that only bible base.
Next week, we will go to Quezon area, the brethren there has some invites and we would like to study with them….since there still no classes…the young adult ladies and men are joining us. We will also pray for the brethren that are sick there, so many that has Malaria and dengue.
Yesterday, Bro. Saim called my son…asking for help because…one of his grandchildren are in the hospital and a sister in Christ Medina, also Bro. Esteban youngest son , they have Dengue…although they are taking herbal and silver water still their condition become worst so no choice but to bring them to hospital and they are asking help.
Dengue are striking again everywhere…here in our neighborhood, a young man died, he is graduating of Elecrtical engineering, many donated blood but he was able to make it. We don’t know..mosquito are everywhere all the time this rainy season…so, we light up 24/7 mosquito coil.
It’s sad because of the pandemic many lost jobs…and many brethren went back to their towns, also 21 below are not allowed to go out, so many of our brethren that live far from the church building could not come to worship with us…and they are missing so much services and communion…only those near can come.
We are having problem with the electric bill in the space we are renting…we used to pay only P3,000+…but to our surprised our bill this month went up to P8,700+… we complained about it in the electric office and they said maybe we used more of electricity…but I told them that our usage are the same…all of us here complains of the big rise in our bills…also in other Manila…perhaps in Luzon too..they didn’t do any adjustment but told that we need to pay it on or before the 13th or else we will be charged of additional surcharge fee of 10 percent…so many are very furious at the office having the same problem.
Lord willing, I’m hoping to attend service in Zalpan this Sunday since yesterday..I attended here…because if I go there on weekdays…I may not be able to meet them and join our studies in the mountain..since I still don’t have cellphone, I could not reach them where mountain they are by the time I will arrive there..I asked how much the repair of LCD it will cost P7,000…too expensive and not sure if it will be work for long time again…my friends said better buy cheaper samsung with good features…which cost P10,000 to P11,000…. oh I could not afford it. Maybe after 4 months saving my $50 allowance.
Thank u for ur encouragement series…it is a good reminder for all of us, to deny our self. In my case…I have so many proposals but I’m not minding it..because of my commitments in the work of the Lord. I don’t know what’s God’s will on me in the future…but I will continue serve Him in my little own way….and I’m praying if he will give me a husband, a man who will marry me…must understand my work…that most of time…I need to be with the brethren on the mountain. it is one reason. I didn’t accept job abroad because, I prefer to help my father in the work of the Lord here, so woman..I have limited to do. I will make copies of your encouragements.
I will close from here again…keep safe . take care. God bless.
with Christ love, Brennie
Mario Moral
To: Duane Cogburn
Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 7:49 AM
Hello there Brother Duane,
We are very thankful for the ministries that God gave is for the needy family. We are blessings to them as God blessed us. We are so happy to see the family that we are helping and still continue in serving God.
Thanks for the effort of the brethren there who are still helping us here God bless you all.

We bought the needs of the family Puno. So glad for this ministry and for the Lord.
Note from Duane:
The mother of this family died during the birth of their 6th child along with the baby. Several families have been helping with the family’s needs on a monthly basis. The financial commitment for help ends May 30, 2021. If you would like to commit to help this hardship situation for a couple of months or more starting June 1, please let us know. The father earns a little as a street vendor and some agricultural work. Bro. Mario and Sis. Lorie are a big help to the family/kids during the day.

I helped the family to build a simple shelter. I bought cements, sand and hollow blocks for them. second hand galvanized irons .the simple house is now about to finished.

We have neighbor where the mother is covid patients. The police men put a yellow cord in their gate and locked it so the whole family did not get outside their compound. we bought some foods for them and grocery items. hoping someday to share the gospel to them.
Thank you and God bless Mario and family
Steven Curimao
Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 6:08 AM
Dear Brethren,
Trusting the Lord that you all fine.
The Church here in Lawak are doing well, we are now doing a home bible study and practicing gospel songs, we include children in our activities, we have planed this month of October a evangelism activities in other villages near in Lawak Church.

We had a meeting with the owner of the lot that church purchased and settled the necessary documents for the transfer of ownership, he told us that we also need to settle the Land title so that it will not be included in his taxes, the lot is 150 square meters we asked a land surveyor for exact measurements of the church purchased lot and put a landmarks and secure the title, we need to pay P14,000 for it, we are asking for a help regarding this, our funds is not enough for this cost, any amount is highly appreciated, it will be a big help brethren, thank you and God bless you all.
Meantime I’m not yet able again to make a travel going to Tarlac, the check points in every municipality is being strictly imposing policy, have to secure medical clearance and travel authority and to undergo two weeks home quarantine.
God bless you all.
Brother Steven
Steven Curimao
Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 4:20 AM
Dear Brethren,
I am trusting the Lord that you are all fine.
The typhoon name Ulysses just passed by here in Pangasinan, strong rain and wind hit us here, flush flood from the mountain went to our farm and damaged our crops that it should be soon to be harvest and sold to the market but apparently there’s nothing to harvest, My Mother’s house roofings was blown by strong wind and also some of the brethren, trees fell down due to wind, thanks to the Lord there’s no one harmed, My family and I are fine, we are humbly asking for help. Thank you and God bless you all.
Attached here are some photos while the thypoon is here.
Brother Steven.

From: Genesis Relaniza
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2020 3:12 PM
To: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Worship with the brethren.

Good morning brother ed. advance Happy new year to you there .Continue being good example in faith , keep the faith and always be courageous in Preaching. we your brethren here are always praying for your and to your family. we Love you God bless. Bro. Genesis
From: Mario Moral
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 7:31 AM
To: <>
Hello brother Ed,
So very busy this few days starting to plants organic vegetables while tye weather here and in the afternoon is the evangelism activities.
We have almost 2 extension works for the group believers and some truth seekers ,as Sunday is my most busiest day Because twice a month Im still helping Kalaklan to share a Sunday message for the brethren the afternoon here at San Marcelino the worship services is 3pm to 4pm. Then 6 pm to 5pm at Brgy La Paz San Narciso for evening Worship as our extension works.
We have some young people who are willing to undergo leadership training and still did it every Saturday afternoon.
Here are some of God’s Guidance in our ministries here:

New group of parents and young people for the series of lessons every thursday night.
Thank you so much brother Ed and brother Duane for still helping my family and the ministries of tye Lord here.God bless your regards to the brethren there