Relative to our work for the Lord in Mexico, my last report was February 2021.
We had planned to make trips down into the interior of Mexico, but trips were cancelled due to COVID. Mexico has a system which indicates the severity of the COVID problem in an area. A color code is given from Red, Orange, Yellow, to Green. Since it had been two years since we had gone down into Mexico, I determined that, with God’s grace, we would visit the brethren if the color code was yellow or green.
The travelers were Pepe from the border town of Agua Prieta, MX, Eiland Scott of Deming, New Mexico, Cesar from the border town of Nogales, MX, and me.

The plan was to visit the family of Abdon and Lorena in Los Mochis and the congregation of Las Flores near Guasave, both in the state of Sinaloa. We left October 27th and returned home November 1st. Guasave is over 500 miles south of the US border. We are constantly warned that Sinaloa is home of a drug cartel and that travel is dangerous. We have always taken Mexican brethren with us as we travel. There are several military or police checkpoints as we travel and our Mexican brethren speak with the authorities and answer their questions. This time the police even stopped us at a gas station to verify that we had the proper permit and were not traveling illegally. When we answer the questions and show the proper paperwork, there is usually no problem. God has blessed us that we have so far not had a problem with the drug cartel or the authorities.
Abdon and Lorena live in Los Mochis, but have been unable to grow a congregation there.

Recently they have been traveling almost every Sunday to Las Flores to meet with the congregation there; this is a trip of about an hour. The congregation in Las Flores is in a very rural community and has been faithful for many years.

During the first day we visited with several of the families in the community.

On Saturday we provided a meal of roasted chicken and tortillas. We had a time of singing and reading of encouragements.

On Sunday, they had their assembly. We brought canned tuna and peanut butter. The women made tuna salad and we had sandwiches for lunch. Later we had a time of encouragement again. Juan and Mariano are the two leading men of the congregation.

Eiland made a special effort to reach out to the youth of the members to encourage them to obey the gospel. The trip was successful in encouraging the brethren in Sinaloa.
On Monday, November 1st, we arrived back in Nogales late in the afternoon. We were met by some of the brethren to welcome us home.

I meet with the church in Nogales one Saturday a month to encourage them. The church in Nogales appears to be strong, but I believe that their evangelistic efforts have been impacted by COVID.
I also meet with the church in Agua Prieta one Saturday a month. This congregation is small but hanging in there. By the way, that guy on the far right is Keith Moore from our Sierra Vista Congregation. Eiland is in the red shirt.

There are costs in working with and supporting the brethren in Mexico. Our funds are low at this time. If you can help us towards the cost of the work in Mexico, please send donations to Church of Christ, c/o Duane Cogburn, 86C Martin Lane, Moriarty, NM 87035.
Please pray for the brethren in Mexico and for the success of the Lord’s work there.
In His service
Brother Ed Anderson