Sierra Vista, Arizona, November 11, 2022
It has been about a year since I last sent out a report on the work for the Lord in Mexico. The work is small but I trust that the Lord is pleased what is being done.
I wish I could say that I am fluent in Spanish, but I am not. I get by, especially since brother Cesar speaks a little bit of English. I do a little studying of Spanish every day so my Spanish is making some progress. I use the encouragements that I write and mail out by translating them into Spanish with Google Translate and then the brethren read and comment about the encouragements. This is my way of teaching in Spanish. My job is to teach and provide financial support as required. Their job is to contact their neighbors and friends to teach the gospel.
We just got back from our fall trip to Sinaloa to meet with, teach, and encourage the brethren in the small congregation of Las Flores. It is a trip of approximately 600 miles one way to the small farming village in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. The travelers with me were Pepe from the border town of Agua Prieta, MX, Eiland Scott of Deming, New Mexico, and Cesar from the border town of Nogales, MX.
Our trip was a short trip of 6 days; two days each way for travel and two days in Las Flores. We met with the brethren on Saturday and had a good Bible study and singing. On Sunday, we returned and had a Sunday assembly. In the afternoon we had another Bible study and singing. Eiland made a special effort to reach out to the youth of the members to teach and encourage them to obey the gospel. The trip was successful in encouraging the brethren in Sinaloa.
I continue to meet with the church in Nogales one Saturday a month to encourage them. The church in Nogales appears to be strong and members are being added. When I meet with them on Saturday, there may be 50 people present. I also meet with the church in Agua Prieta one Saturday a month; this congregation is small but steadfast.
Brother Eiland usually joins us in our meeting with the church in Agua Prieta. From there he goes on to Nogales and spends about a week working with the brethren there. Naturally, his Spanish is improving more than mine is.
It is getting cold in the border towns. Soon it will get to freezing temperatures. In the past, some have not had heat in their houses. I was able to provide portable propane heaters and one small tankful of gas to get them started right in the season. We also send blankets.
I have added some pictures from Las Flores at the bottom.
Please pray for the brethren in Mexico and for the success of the Lord’s work there.
In His service
Ed Anderson

Travelers (Picture taken last year. Same travelers)

Brother Mariano

Brother Abdon

Brother Juan