All Spiritual Blessings
One of my favorite hymns is entitled “Count Your Blessings”. It is good to count our blessings, to be thankful to God. When you think of your blessings, what is high on your list? Is it health, family, possessions, freedoms, or the beautiful earth around us? But do you count your spiritual blessings? Eph 1:3 […]
Is God Blasphemed Or Praised
Years ago, I had several employees who were members of a large, worldwide church. Some of these employees were good, hardworking individuals. But two stand out in my mind. One was totally unproductive – never seemed to accomplish anything. The other falsified thousands of dollars in travel expenses. It was easy to transfer these wrongs […]
Our Conscience
Our conscience is given to us by God. It is described in Rom 2:14-15 “For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience […]
No Discrimination
Have you ever been discriminated against? Maybe you are too old or too young or too rich or too poor or too tall or too short or you skin is too dark or too light or you were born into the wrong ethnic group or in the wrong country. We all have probably been discriminated […]
The Longsuffering of God
We all know that God is love (1 John 4:16). John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” As an extension of that love, God is also very patient and longsuffering. As we read in the […]
Do The Same Things
It is easy to see the faults of other people. We can see when they are not considerate. We can see when they do not show love and are selfish. We can see when they are false and not true. But how often are we guilty of the same things? Oh, our sins are not […]
Why Do You Believe In God?
Why do you believe in God? Have you just always believed in God? Do you believe because your parents taught you to believe? The world around us tells us that there is no God and that the earth and everything in it evolved from the cosmos. I believe when I look at what God created […]
The Just Shall Live By Faith
Every day and every hour, you and I make decision on the things we say and do. Do I complain about how I feel? Do I say a word of encouragement to her? Do I refrain from doing that which might not look right? Do I refrain from using certain words that would hurt? Do […]
Ashamed of Jesus
Are you ever ashamed that you are a Christian? Are you afraid to tell others about Jesus Christ? If you are ashamed, maybe it reflects that your faith is weak. Do you really believe that God is the creator of the universe with all the plants and animals we see about us? Do you really […]
In Romans 1:12 the Apostle Paul wrote about being mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. Communicating with other people and being with other people who have the same faith in Christ Jesus encourages us to continue in our faith. We see that we are not alone in our faith. Others see the same creation of […]